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Ione Ardaiz Osacar

Ione Ardaiz Osacar has experience working for various organisations in countries such as Italy, Belgium, Germany, Australia, and Spain. She worked at The Australian Centre For Social Innovation where she led and implemented initiatives alongside the Australian government and NGOs co-designing services. She then joined the Agirre Lehendakaria Center team where, based on the successful case of social transformation in the Basque Country, she applied the centre’s methodology for systems change.

Ione is currently Arantzazulab’s Projects Lead, where she designs, coordinates, and participates in Democracy Innovation initiatives. She focuses her activity on systems change, activation of innovation ecosystems, collaborative governance, and deliberative democracy. She also collaborates with several universities as a speaker and lecturer.

By training, Ione is a technical engineer in industrial design. She graduated from Mondragon University and holds a Master’s in Product Design from the Polytechnic School of Milan.