Through greenhouses and collaborations, we are exploring four key enabling conditions that we believe will help transform governance in positive ways:
Governance ensures the wellbeing of people and planet, and recognizes they are interconnected and interdependent.
Governance supports and is supported by a healthy ecosystem (being, caring, deciding, weaving, and working together) including, but pushing beyond, good institutions.
Governance honors and builds on the legacy of past generations and connects to the needs and interests of future generations.
Governance is supported by a healthy relationship with pro-social technology.
Our current greenhouses are:
Collective Decision Greenhouse
We are dedicated to exploring new and innovative ways for communities to make informed, collective decisions that support stronger and healthier governance systems. Through learning and experimentation, we will examine new frameworks and practices for making decisions, allocating resources, and monitoring outcomes to ensure accountability and inclusivity.

Leadership and Narrative Greenhouse
We are currently working on shifting leadership narratives, co-creating a leadership model grounded in the principles of interdependence and pro-social technology, and a fellowship program designed to cultivate leaders that steward the interdependent well-being of people and the planet.

Ritual Studio
We believe that rituals — the intentional, repeated practices that connect us — have the power to strengthen our bonds with each other, the Earth, and future generations. We are exploring how to meaningfully embed ritual into our governance processes to create cultures of care that can help us tackle complex problems in a more sustainable, inclusive, and holistic way.

Some initiatives emerging from the network are:
Collective Futures Generator
We aim to make futuring accessible to a wider audience through a civic engagement storytelling framework. We are piloting a radical imagination workshop that harnesses collective wisdom and lived experiences to shape a future that is safe, fosters belonging and healing, and is governed collectively. Led by decision-making experts, futurists, and civic technologists, workshop participants will envision fully participatory democratic futures, create evocative artifacts documenting those futures, and ultimately contribute to a public-facing, collective, and interactive archive of our desired futures.

Ecological Belonging
We are exploring the interconnectedness between individuals, communities, and the natural world through storytelling, rituals, and collaborative practices. Through innovative programs, research, and creative initiatives, we hope to foster a movement to reweave relationships with nature and humanity and promote a hopeful and inclusive ecological narrative. Visit our website to learn more about our work as we collectively rediscover our felt sense of connection with ourselves, each other, and the natural world.