Country: South Africa Country: South Africa


Ashanti Kunene
Ashanti Kunene

Ashanti Kunene is an epistemic activist, slam poet, decolonial dialogue facilitator, published writer, and the founder of Learning 2 Unlearn. She is interested in how cultural narratives are reflected through big data and technology; and how pedagogical design and dialogical narrative change work can be used as decolonial tools to…

By evannagle
Dr. Rekgotsofetse Chikane
Dr. Rekgotsofetse Chikane

Dr. Rekgotsofetse Chikane is a lecturer at the Wits School of Governance as well as a political commentator, activist, and the author of Breaking a Rainbow, Building a Nation: The Politics behind the #MustFall Movements. He is a graduate of the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government where he completed…

By evannagle