Our Approach

The Problem

Dominant forms of governance around the world are trapped in old ways of thinking, outmoded structures, and increasingly troubling patterns. The current paradigm of governance is fraying, as evidenced by the many ways it is failing people, our planet, and future generations.

The Promise

We see elements of what a new paradigm of governance might look like; one that centers the well-being of people and planet, embraces a complexity mindset, lives into the promise of a digital age, and restores practices of abundance and relationship.

We think governance should be equitable, include those who have been marginalized, respond to the increasing interconnectedness of our world, and invite people into collective problem-solving. Governance systems must withstand the complexity of a more mobile global population, the scale and rapidity with which technology connects us, and the severity of the climate crisis.

A Possible Path

Governance Futures is identifying critical shifts needed to move the dominant systems away from top-down, control-oriented, and indirect governance that were built for a pre-digital age. Through initiatives and collaborations among network members, we are exploring what practices to keep, adapt, or let go of, and what to restore or build anew.

We believe a different paradigm is already emerging. There are communities, prototypes, and ideas that are demonstrating how governance can be fundamentally different. This network connects the dots between people, ideas, and efforts around the world to support an emerging constellation of bright, hopeful lights.